Use "soldiers pay|soldiers pay" in a sentence

1. The pay that the soldiers received was negligible.

2. To Conciliate the soldiers, he raised their pay, creating financial problems

3. Scipio then summoned the soldiers to New Carthage to receive the pay.

4. He also had grain collected for export to raise money to pay soldiers, and requisitioned food and clothing for the soldiers.

5. The ringleaders were executed and the soldiers were reprimanded and then given their pay.

6. Soldiers served for 16 years, instead of the 25 served in the legions, and received triple pay, abundant bonuses, and a generous retirement pay.

7. If our soldiers have to pay the ultimate price for defending their country, then so be it.

8. Freelance soldiers that they were, they depended upon their captains for recruitment, organisation, distribution of booty, and pay.

9. 30 Freelance soldiers that they were, they depended upon their captains for recruitment, organisation, distribution of booty, and pay.

10. On March 6 pay bonuses were announced for all soldiers and an amnesty was declared for deserters and draft dodgers.

11. Red soldiers or White soldiers?

12. The Protestants agreed, but when the Queen Regent entered Perth, she garrisoned it with Scottish soldiers on the French pay roll.

13. Trench Routine, Soldiers’ Accounts, and Soldiers’ Slang CreditsRightsLinkDisclaimer

14. Specialists have basic management duties and may command soldiers of lower rank, although most leadership duties at this pay grade are the responsibility of Corporals.

15. Soldiers, athletes...

16. Soldiers kill people.

17. But the soldiers.

18. Title: Japanese soldiers Bayonetting captured Chinese soldiers in trench; Japanese soldiers watch from rim of trench, Nanking Japanese soldiers baynetteing captured Chinese soldiers in trench; Japanese soldiers watch from rim of trench, Nanking Creator: Japanese Date: 1937 Physical Dimensions: w21.6 x h16.8 cm (sheet) Type: Photographs Medium: Gelatin silver print

19. Use of child soldiers.

20. Where are the soldiers?

21. That's what soldiers do.

22. The soldiers just laughed . "

23. Soldiers must never disobey.

24. Mobile Pay apps (Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.) & contactless Bankcards

25. That's for US soldiers.

26. Soldiers advancing on Florence!

27. These are no soldiers.

28. The soldiers stand erect.

29. American soldiers in the Pacific often deliberately killed Japanese soldiers who had surrendered.

30. Pay inside cash? Pay inside debit?

31. Our soldiers ambushed him.

32. All soldiers are gamblers.

33. Straps for soldiers' equipment

34. Calgarians appreciate CF soldiers CALGARY, AB – Deployed soldiers on leave enjoy Calgary Stampede hospitality.

35. We train soldiers, not rebels.

36. Gold wins wars, not soldiers.

37. I do not bed soldiers.

38. Ancient Earth soldiers on horseback.

39. Soldiers were on every corner!

40. Soldiers took him in handcuffs.

41. I wanna entertain the soldiers.

42. Only soldiers have horses now.

43. The soldiers drill every morning.

44. We beat up for soldiers.

45. The soldiers showed admirable bravery.

46. His speech inspired the soldiers.

47. The soldiers profaned the church.

48. How many soldiers with Cage?

49. Those soldiers have touched corpses

50. You get to those soldiers.

51. 16 The soldiers fought gallantly.

52. The soldiers refused to obey .

53. The soldiers guarded the prisoners.

54. The soldiers decamped at dawn.

55. Dissatisfied with their low pay rates and with the slow progress of the replacement of their British officers with Africans, the soldiers' mutiny sparked similar uprisings in both Uganda and Kenya.

56. Ethnic soldiers, messiahs, and Cockalorums

57. The soldiers want to surrender

58. The soldiers marched in step.

59. Infuse soldiers with fresh courage.

60. Soldiers killed 17 unarmed civilians.

61. The common soldiers fought bravely at first, but they were saddled with low pay (with which they had to purchase their own food and medical care), ammunition shortages, and mixed equipment.

62. The soldiers are getting unruly.

63. The soldiers fired the cannon.

64. The soldiers fired without provocation.

65. The war desensitized many soldiers.

66. Photo, Print, Drawing [Japanese soldiers Bayoneting captured Chinese soldiers in trench; Japanese soldiers watch from rim of trench] [ digital file from b&w film copy neg

67. Enemy soldiers had overrun the island.

68. Soldiers jeopardize their lives in war.

69. Soldiers manned barricades around the city.

70. The soldiers advanced on the enemy.

71. These soldiers dogged our faltering steps.

72. They were attacked by marauding soldiers.

73. The soldiers were all out drilling.

74. The soldiers lined up for inspection.

75. Employees pay half, and employers pay the other half.

76. S. pay czar will give Benmosche leeway on pay.

77. Comradeship fuelled the soldiers' fighting morale

78. Soldiers must strictly follow our orders.

79. King Sennacherib lost his mightiest soldiers.

80. Our soldiers don't work for free.